Transaction Plus Ltd,

86-90 Paul Street, London.

+44 19 23 820 022

Toll Free

Mon-Sat 9.30am to 5.30pm

Sunday Closed

Growth acceleration and Enterprise Empowerment

Transaction Plus is a business consultancy which helps you accelerate the growth of your business. We work with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and with enterprises based overseas which are looking for ways to enter UK markets. Our consultancy-based solutions can assess operational inefficiencies your business might have, help you to find the capital you need for growth, and help you network. Transaction Plus is your traditional accelerator, helping you empower your business and to take your business to the next level.

Why choose Transaction Plus?

If you are a migrant business owner or a potential business migrant to the UK, and not sure if you have sufficient commercial awareness and access to resources specific to your business needs to make your business practically viable and grow, then you should choose Transaction Plus. We have the experience in working with migrant owned businesses and restructuring business information with clarity to open new avenues to bring about accelerated business growth. We will make you resourceful by matching up with right institutions for funding, efficient methods in operations and better industry-expertise.

Our services

Who do we work with?

At Transaction Plus we work mainly with people living in the United Kingdom who are not native to the country, whether they’re new migrants or settled UK citizens. You might already have your own business that you want to expand or be planning to set up a new enterprise, if so you will be our ideal client.

Do you identify with these issues?

You might have been living in the UK for a long time or new to the UK environment, but are finding it difficult to get through the barriers imposed by current market conditions when it comes to growth. Banks and other funding institutions may often reject funding applications that aren’t clearly or appropriately presented, if what you’re asking for doesn’t match their criteria. You may find it difficult to convince a potential partner for a strategic alliance. At Transaction Plus, we can assess such possible issues that might be holding back your business expansion whether it be finding capital, leveraging your funds, adjustments to pricing or marketing tactics.

Why you may face such issues and inconsistencies?

To survive and grow in the UK market you need to know who are the right people to approach and when to approach them. This does not only apply for funding but also for industry knowledge and useful contacts. Some aspects of your business may need streamlining to improve your operational efficiency and cut down unnecessary costs. But if you have not identified those flaws, you may spend time in trial and error, attempting to learn through your own experiences. It can be a good thing but is it worth to go through such instability and inconsistencies when you have resources to be efficient and effective in a quicker manner? Rather than losing valuable time in trial and error, Transaction Plus can help you identify inefficiencies, introduce you to the right people, empower you and help you make the right approaches to funding institutions.

Why does this happen to you?

To survive and grow in the UK market you need to know who are the right people to approach, and when, not only for money but for industry knowledge and useful contacts.

Some aspects of your business may need streamlining to improve your operational efficiency and cut down unnecessary costs.
Rather than losing valuable time in trial and error, Transaction Plus can help you identify inefficiencies, introduce you to the right people, and help you make the right approaches to funding institutions.

What can we offer you?

Transaction Plus has three motives which ensure that all our clients are guided on a journey to success, empowerment and growth acceleration.

It’s crucial to be able to grasp the right opportunity at the right moment. At the beginning of a business venture you may be unaware of certain opportunities – and regret it two or three years later, when you find out what you missed. At Transaction Plus we help you avoid those regrets, working with you to ensure that you don’t miss chances, and helping you get everything done correctly within the least amount of time. We’ll help you present your business with clarity and match your information to suitable funding providers and other stakeholder, bringing you the funds or partnerships you need with the least possible delay.

Building the right contacts also takes time. Every step in a new business venture is an experiment, and building appropriate connections is one of the most difficult. For most immigrants in the UK, however long-term their residence, their network tends to be confined to their own ethnic communities or certain locations where most of these are based. For this reason their professional development as well as their business growth may be limited and they may miss worthwhile opportunities.

At Transaction Plus we want to eliminate this problem by helping you make the right connections as quickly as possible. We will introduce you to like-minded businesses and appropriate institutions, which will improve your capacity to build better mergers and partnerships and also to acquire mentorships and additional help where necessary.

This universal concept applies also to businesses. At Transaction Plus we empower you to find better opportunities and better connections, which will lead to mutual benefits for both sides. These collaborations will lead to prosperous and financially healthy businesses. When this happens it contributes to our social well-being, as you create more jobs and thus give more back to society.

As a responsible company, we remain engaged with our clients through continual knowledge-sharing, with our own promotional and networking events. In this way, we educate our clients to make them capable themselves of dealing with their practical issues. Banks like HSBC and NatWest also spend a lot of time and money in educating business owners or proprietors, and helping them to boost their businesses. Banks help people to help themselves, showing them the way to iron out problems so that they can access appropriate funding. We have found, that immigrant business owners often miss out on this help, because they do not make an attempt in utilising this information. At Transaction Plus, we’ll empower you to access such global industry education and to negotiate the intricacies of the business environment.

Find the Solution That Best Fits Your Business